We count it a privilege to pray for you and your needs. Just fill out the form below and we will respond appropriately.

Listed below the form are requests for you to pray for.

Needs and Answers

Listed below are the prayer requests that have been submitted for you to pray for. Please take this opportunity to pray for the needs listed below.


Please add my mother Brenda Aldridge to the church prayer list. She remains in the hospital (Kaiser South) and is currently very ill with a serious blood infection related to her cancer which is rapidly progressing. Please pray that God will provide her doctors with the ability to manage her pain control as a result of her spinal stenosis (also cancer related) once her pain is controlled then she will be able to come home so we want to pray for her ability to return home so that we can care for her at home.


Prayer Confidential


My brother-in-law, Robert Ousby, is scheduled to have hernia surgery Wednesday, 8/19. I will be going to Reno to help my sister, Carla, while he recuperates. Pray for his recovery and that the Loyalton Fire stays in California and does not move over the mountain into north Reno, where they live. Also, an acquaintance, Danny, asks for prayer for his mother, Becky Victoriano. She has been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor, after going through lung cancer just a couple of years ago. They have decisions to make regarding treatment, etc.


Pray for our daughter Courtney who just had her sixth child -- a baby boy -- yesterday. So far, everyone is doing well.